Annual Sustainable Development Progress Report 2020-2021
SDG 1 aspires to reduce the number of people living in poverty worldwide. This involves increasing access to resources, services, real estate, and funding while also strengthening resilience to disturbances like as climate change. Manipal University Jaipur is committed to provide access to higher education as well as developing facilities and institutions that promote prosperity for all.
SDG 2 focuses on ensuring adequate healthy food access while supporting resilient agriculture techniques that respect workers and the land. The implementation of SDG 2 at Manipal University Jaipur is evident in academic effort to create sustainable agricultural and food distribution systems , as well as providing access to healthy and sustainable food options for individuals on campus.
Through teaching, research, practise, and service, The Manipal University Jaipur equips tomorrow's leaders to maintain, protect, and enhance the health of people, families, and communities. Excellence, human dignity, intellectual curiosity, service, diversity and integrity are used as guiding principles in this process. To assist in the growth of healthcare professionals and public health practitioners, the university offers undergraduate and graduate programmes. SDG3 Good Health and Well Being is of prime importance for Manipal University Jaipur, University keeps organizing mental health awareness camps and conducts Student Happiness Survey and Faculty Happiness Survey and ensures that all the stakeholders feel healthy and well. From time to time, it continually keeps organizing Yoga sessions and sports. Good health and well-being is a prime concern of Manipal University Jaipur. This SDG is achieved by various policy provisions and action items on regular activities. University has various counselling officers for its employee and students to cater to the requirements of the mental and physical well-being of not only of its student staff and students but also of nearby residents.
SDG4 Quality Education is the motto of Manipal University Jaipur. The institute has been offering quality education to all its students and ensures that an ecosystem of research and innovation is delivered to its students. The University has implemented the NEP policy that examines the trends in education attainments at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels in India and explores some major challenges facing the quality education and accessibility issues in the education sector.
SDG5 Gender Equality Education is the prime measure to be taken to make society free from gender gap menaces. Manipal University Jaipur teaches its new generation about the best social practices and gender-equal rights and believes that we can eradicate such menaces aptly. Many policies have been designed and implemented by the government of India and Manipal has also designed such policies in adherence to gender equality. Manipal believes that it can only be erased from the deepest point by using education as the prime weapon.
For environmental sustainability, economic development, and access to clean water and sanitation, freshwater ecosystem management is crucial. The goal of SDG 6 is to "ensure access to water, its sustainable management, and proper sanitation for all." Manipal University Jaipur captures progressive improvements from surface water and use of unimproved water to using an improved water source helps protect against contamination. It has various research projects and publications focused on clean water and sanitation. SDG 6 aims to improve access to safe and affordable drinking water and sanitation services. This includes addressing pollution sources, enhancing water resource management, and ensuring the health of water-related ecosystems. The Water Management Centre at Manipal University Jaipur addresses several of these concerns in the Indian and global contexts.
Access to affordable, dependable, sustainable, and modern energy is the seventh Sustainable Development Goal. Although it is now widely available, a large portion of power is still produced using fossil fuels like coal, oil, or gas, which produce greenhouse gases and accelerate climate change. As a result, it's important to create clean energy technology and infrastructure while also investing in renewable energy sources to hasten the transition to a cost-effective, dependable, and sustainable energy system. Manipal University Jaipur's faculty and students are dedicated to studying and creating renewable energy sources, including as biofuels and biogas, to assist communities in making the switch to renewable energy sources. Manipal University Jaipur has numerous policy initiatives, and practices enacted and introduced over the last decade. While some directly concern the energy sector, others have indirectly influenced developments in the sector. These policies and acts have focused either individually on an environmental sector like water or air, or they have broadly targeted the entire value chain of the energy sector.
SDG8 Decent Work and Economic Growth the MUJ has vigorously implemented a wide variety of awareness programs for social protection. The aim of these awareness programs is to ensure that its students contribute to Indian society fellowmen live in dignity and exploit their human capabilities for social and economic development. Policies and strategies focusing on education, health, employment, social protection, financial inclusion, gender, agricultural productivity, and special funds for youth events, women, minorities, and the physically handicapped are in place.
SDG 9 focuses on developing sustainable infrastructure projects and industries, as well as improving existing ones and encouraging innovation. Manipal University Jaipur has a long history of innovation and entrepreneurship, applied research and development, and industrial relationships that address real-world issues.
Through laws, regulations, monitoring, and financial assistance, SDG 10 seeks to lessen disparities in income, opportunity, mobility, and societal inclusion. Making sure that all members of the community have equitable and affirming access to its services is the main goal at Manipal University Jaipur.
SDG 11 calls for ensuring that everyone has access to housing, essential services, transportation, and public areas while also preserving cultures, enhancing urban resilience and sustainability, and boosting civic participation in urban planning. Manipal University Jaipur is assisting in the creation of more economic and sustainable communities by fostering the next generation of urban planners and establishing local collaborations . Additionally, as an essential component of the local community's fabric, it is incorporating sustainable natural areas and transportation planning into its own growth.
Goal 12 focuses on effectively reducing and managing waste, promoting sustainable lifestyles, and managing natural resources sustainably. The focus of the Manipal University Jaipur is to reduce operational waste on campus. One of the most vital cultures to be taught and promoted globally is the sustainable management of resources. Manipal University Jaipur believes in responsible consumption and production for economic growth and focuses on the environment and natural resources but also entails better utilization of waste. Manipal University Jaipur has segregated the wastes into various categories for a proper waste management disposal and purchase policy that is environment friendly. Manipal University buys useful products and implements energy-saving schemes from them while preventing wastage, and pollution due to unsegregated waste and instead finds means of conserving our natural resources, air, water, soil, and biodiversity, which are vital for our health and well-being. The current waste management policies and regulations in India especially the Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 in coordination with other Rules on Plastics, Construction and Demolition, E-waste point exactly in this direction.
Through integrated policies, education, the development of institutional capacity, and the mobilisation of finance, SDG 13 seeks to strengthen climate change resilience, adaptive capacity, and mitigation efforts. Manipal University Jaipur is dedicated to transforming campus operations toward carbon neutrality and is a visionary in climate change research, education, and planning.
SDG 14 aims to increase the sustainable use of water resource while protecting marine ecosystems from pollution, overfishing, acidification, and other human activities. The SDG acknowledges the importance of oceans in regulating the global climate system and their importance as a source of economic, social, and environmental resources. Numerous initiatives are being run by Manipal University Jaipur’s Water Management Center to address problems with fresh and salt water alike.
SDG 15 is focused on safeguarding and rebuilding land-based ecosystems, especially freshwater habitats. In addition to its efforts to safeguard the ecosystems on its grounds, Manipal University Jaipur also supports environmental sustainability through its research, instruction, and outreach initiatives.
To encourage peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, it is crucial to address the threats of international homicide, violence against minors, human trafficking, and sexual assault. Manipal University Jaipur ensures that everyone has access to justice and for creating strong, dependable institutions at all levels. MUJ tries to follow and implement more effective and open laws must be in practice, together with comprehensive and practical government budgets, to address these issues and create a more inclusive peaceful society. It focuses on human rights and promoting individual rights. To encourage peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, it is crucial to address the threats of international homicide, violence against minors, human trafficking, and sexual assault. Manipal University Jaipur ensures that everyone has access to justice and for creating strong, dependable institutions at all levels. MUJ tries to follow and implement more effective and open laws must be in practice, together with comprehensive and practical government budgets, to address these issues and create a more inclusive peaceful society. It focuses on human rights and promoting individual rights.
Manipal University admits that only through collaboration can we achieve Global Goals. To promote creative technical growth, fair trade, and market access, particularly for developing nations, international investments and support are required. MUJ is encouraging, sympathetic, creative, passionate, and most importantly, the cooperative principle of existence to create a better world. Manipal University Jaipur realizes that collaboration and partnership, both locally and internationally, hold an important role to improve the quality of education, research, and service. It also provides a huge number of opportunities for students and staff, with research opportunities and funding not to mention giving opportunities for international experiences, including study abroad programs and staff exchanges. In 2021, FMUI has signed 37 agreements: specific focus on 9 research specific with international institutions and 45 agreements with local/national institutions. Manipal University Jaipur has signed 46 Industrial MoUs to ensure sustainable development Goals for humanity and mankind.