Associate Professor (Senior Scale) Department of Mechanical Engineering
Ext: 808
Ph.D. Ajou University, Suwon, Republic of Korea 2011
M.E. College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India 2003
B.E. Motilal Nehru Regional Engineering College (currently known as MNNIT), Allahabad University, Prayagraj, India 1998
Mechanics-based design and analysis
MUJ Excellence Award 2022, Education Medal 2006 by Government of Nepal for contributing in the Education sector of Nepal.
Brain Korea 21 Scholarship for Ph.D. Study at Ajou University South Korea.
ASME Professional Membership
S. Vajire, A. P. Singh, D. K. Saini, K. Singh, & D. Mishra, "Novel Machine Learning-based Prediction Approach for Nanoindentation Load-Deformation in a Thin Film: Applications to Electronic Industries", Computers, and Industrial Engineering, IF: 7.811, Quartile 1 (96%),, Vol. 174, Page: 108824, IF: 7.81 (Quartile 1, 96%). Role: Corresponding Author
C. S. Tumarte, D. K. Saini, P. Gupta, D. Mishra "Evolutionary Computation Modelling for Structural Health Monitoring of Critical Infrastructure" Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, IF: 9.177, Quartile 1 (98%), Role: Corresponding Author
D. Mishra, S. Yoon, Y. Seo, Y. E. Pak, "Analytical Solutions of Electroelastic Fields in Piezoelectric Thin Film Multilayer: Applications to Piezoelectric Actuator and Sensor," Acta Mechanica, Vol. 231, pp. 1435-1459, 2020, IF: 2.645, Quartile 1. Role: First Author
D. Mishra, S. H. Lee, Y. Seo, Y. E. Pak, "Modeling of stresses and electric fields in piezoelectric multilayer: Application to multi-quantum wells" AIP Advances, 7, 075306, 2017, IF: 1.697, Quartile 2. Role: First Author
D. Mishra and Y. E. Pak, "Electroelastic Fields for Piezoelectric Threading Dislocation in Various Growth Orientations of Gallium Nitride" European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, Vol. 61, pp 279-292, 2017, IF: 4.833, Quartile 1. Role: First Author