Best paper award received from CSI kolkata chapter and NITTTR, chandigrah.
Chatterjee, U., Ray, S., Khan, M. K., Dasgupta, M., & Chen, C. M. (2022). An ECC-based lightweight remote user authentication and key management scheme for IoT communication in context of fog computing. Computing, Springer,104(6), 1359-1395.
Chatterjee, U., Ray, S., Adhikari, S., Khan, M. K., & Dasgupta, M. (2023). An improved authentication and key management scheme in context of IoT-based wireless sensor network using ECC. Computer Communications, Elsevier, 209, 47-62.
Chatterjee, U., Ray, S., Sadhukhan, D., & Dasgupta, M. (2023). An improved authentication and key management scheme for hierarchical IoT network using elliptic curve cryptography. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 19(3), 231-246.
Chatterjee, U., Ray, S., Adhikari, S., Khan, M. K., & Dasgupta, M. (2023). Efficient and secure e‐voting scheme using elliptic curve cryptography. Security and Privacy, 6(3), e283.
Chatterjee, U., Sadhukhan, D., & Ray, S. (2020). An improved authentication and key agreement protocol for smart healthcare system in the context of internet of things using elliptic curve cryptography. In Proceedings of international conference on IoT inclusive life (ICIIL 2019), NITTTR Chandigarh, India (pp. 11-22). Springer Singapore.