Conferred with Academic Excellence award by Manipal University Jaipur.
Invited as a keynote speaker from O P Jindal University during their International Conference, ICIRSTSD-23.
Invited as an External Expert for conducting interviews at MSU Baroda.
Invited as a Panel Expert and DRC Member by MS University Baroda.
Conferred with Academic Excellence Award by MUJ in 2022.
Conferred with Toni Morrison Award for Best Professor of English in 2019.
Conferred with Indra Pareek Award for Excellence in Teaching and Administration in 2018.
Extension and Outreach
Academic Audit
The International Academic Forum
English Language Teaching Association
A.M Bala, (2023), Arora, R Disability or a Personal Lifestyle? Examining Indian and Foreign Depictions of Obesity in Double XL and The Whale. IAFOR 2023.
John, O & Arora, R. (2023). Journey of Denial, Acceptance and Transformation: Discovering Meaning in Han Kang's 'The Vegetarian"". IAFOR 2023.
Gupta, R $ Arora, R (2019). In the Castle of My Disease: an In-depth Study of Lorde Audre's The Cancer Journals, Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 11(3) (Scopus).
Arora. Richa (2022) Pedagogical Innovations in Humanities & Social Sciences. Akinik Publications