Assistant Professor Department of Journalism and Mass Communication
Ph.D (Mass Communication), University of Rajasthan, 2023
TV Broadcasting
Media Ethics and Laws
Communication theories and models
Awarded Certificate of Appreciation for being trainer for a 6-week certificate course on "Science Journalism in the Digital Age 2.0" from 31st August to 23rd October 2023 organized by Network of Organization for Science and Technology Communication
Delhi (NOSTC) catalyst and supported by National Council for Science and Technology Communication, New Delhi (NCSTC)
Awarded with 'Udayman Jansampark Pratibha Samman' , by Public Relations Society of India, Jaipur chapter on April 21,2018
University Gold Medalist in Master of Journalism, Centre for Mass Communication,Rajasthan University, Jaipur
Qualified UGC-NET(Mass Communication), January 2017 with a score of 61.14%,
Departmental Physical Branding.
Admissions Co-Coordinator (School Connect) .
Reputation Management.
Research paper titled, "Role of Media in Water Conservation" published in International Journal of Social Science & Management Studies (I.J.S.S.M.S.) , Peer Reviewed-Refereed. Research Journal, Indexing & Impact Factor - 5.2, ISSN: 2454 - 4655, Vol. - 9, No. - 3, April -2023, Seminar Special Issue English 3rd
Research paper titled, "A Study of Role of Media in River Water Disputes" published in Swadeshi Research Foundation, A Monthly Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, International Swadeshi Research Foundation, A Monthly Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, International April - 2023, Special Issue English.
Research paper titled, "Assessing the Effectiveness of Animated T.V. Advertising with Research paper titled, "Assessing the Effectiveness of Animated T.V. Advertising with Molecular & Clinical Medicine, ISSN 2515-8260, Volume 7, Issue 7, November 2020, Page 3143-3148.