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D. Ahuja, P. Bhardwaj and P. Madan, "Money laundering: A Bibliometric Review of Three Decades from 1990 to 2021," in Smart Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Performance Management in a Global Digitalised Economy, Emerald Publising Ltd., 2023, pp. 55-72.
K. Sharma, D. Ahuja, A. Arya and A. Dhiman, "I am here to stay: Customer and Employee Engagement in an M-Commerce World," in Critical issues on Changing Dynamics in Employee Relations and Workforce Diversity, IGI Global, 2021, pp. 143-159.
D. Ahuja, T. Mittal and P. Madan, "Articulation of Kautilya's Vedic based spiritually driven principles of corporate governance," Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Jounral, no. Special Issue, pp. 462-465, 2021.