N. S. Bhati, L. Vijayvargy and A. Pandey, "Role of E-Service Quality (E-SQ) on Customers' Online Buying Intention: An Extended Theory of Planned Behavior," in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 77337-77350, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3190637.
A. Agarwal, A., B. Chahar, & N.S. Bhati, "Online impulse buying behaviour of Indian small town consumers: Scale development and validation," Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol. 51, No. 5-7,pp. 48-63,2021.
N.S. Bhati, S. Srivastava and J.S. Rathore, " Measurement of Doctoral Student's Intention to Use Online Learning: A SEM Approach Using The TRAM Model,\" Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, Vol.22, pp-179-200, 2023.
N.S. Bhati, "Validation of customer's perceived e-service quality determinants: a confirmatory factor analysis approach," International Journal of Services, Economics and Management, Vol 11 No.2,pp. 97-118, 2020.
S. Srivastava and N.S. bhati, "The Use of UTAUT Model for Understanding Academicians\' Perception towards Online Faculty Development Programs (FDP), IEEE International Conference on Advent Trends in Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation (ICATMRI). IEEE, 2020.