Polymer gearing and gear mechanics
Composites and Biomechanics
Visitng senior Lecturer for UMP, Malaysia during Jun-Jul 2019
Director-International Collaborations
N. V. Shrivas, S. Bhadhyal, A. K. Tiwari, A. Mishra, D. Tripathi, S. Patil, Computation of physiological loading induced interstitial fluid motion in muscle standardized femur: Healthy vs. osteoporotic bone (2023), Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 237, pp. 107592 (Scopus: SJR - 1.12, SCI: Impact Factor - 6.1)
"A. Maper, S. Karuppanan, S. S. Patil, Analysis and formulation of spur gear stresses with different
tip modifications (2019), Journal of Central South University (JCSU), Springer, 26, pp. 2368−2378
(Scopus: SJR - 0.4, SCI: Impact Factor - 4.4)
"Patil S. S., Karuppanan, S., and Atanasovska, I., Experimental Measurement of Strain and Stress
State at the Contacting Helical Gear Pairs, (2016) , Measurement, Elsevier, 82, pp. 313 - 322.
(Scopus: SJR - 0.735, SCI: Impact Factor - 5.6)"
"Patil, S., Karuppanan, S., and Atanasovska, I., Contact Stress Evaluation of Involute Gear Pairs,
Including the Effects of Friction and Helix Angle, (2015) ASME. Journal of. Tribology 137(4),
044501- pp. 1-5. (Scopus: SJR - 0.767, SCI: Impact Factor - 2.5). DOI:10.1115/1.4030242."
"Patil, S.S., Karuppanan, S., Atanasovska, I., and Wahab, A.A., Contact stress analysis of helical
gear pairs, including frictional coefficients, (2014) International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,
85, pp. 205-211. (Scopus: SJR - 1.595, SCI: Impact Factor - 7.3)