Metal oxide coatings and corrosion
D Singh, A Saini, V Dhayal, DC Agarwal. Oxime-modified aluminum (III) isopropoxide: a promising sol-gel precursor for corrosion resistive nano-alumina coating on an aluminum alloy, Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces 55, 682-688.
V Dhayal, D Singh, A Saini, S Sonewane, DC Agarwal. Vibration and corrosion analysis of modified alumina coating over aluminum alloy, Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention 21, 130-137.
Recycling of spent lithium-iron phosphate batteries: toward closing the loop, S Kumawat, D Singh, A Saini. Materials and Manufacturing Processes 38 (2), 135-150.
D Singh, A Saini, A Goyal, MA Abass, C Prakash, KK Saxena. Design and development of modified tin oxide nanostructures for structural and optical applications.International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), 1-10.
A Saini, SK Jat, DS Shekhawat, A Kumar, V Dhayal, DC Agarwal. Oxime-modified aluminium (III) alkoxides: potential precursors for γ-alumina nano-powders and optically transparent alumina film. Materials Research Bulletin 93, 373-380.