Successfuly organized five days workshop on Arduino & RPi: An IoT Concept as a Convenor
Published two patents in a single academic year
Reviewed more than 15 journal articles for reputed journals in a single academic year
Ex- Assistant Coordinator, Directorate of Academics
OBE Coordinator, Autonomous Initiative (Faculy Coordinator), Arduino, IoT FAB Lab(Faculy Incharge), Class Coordinator (Fifth Sem)
Gaurav, K., Kumar, A. & Singh, R. Single and multiple odor source localization using hybrid nature-inspired algorithm. Sādhanā 45, 83 (2020).
Gaurav, Kumar. 'Fuzzy Based Self-tuned Move Lengths for Enhanced Performance of Gas Source Localization Algorithm'. 1 Jan. 2023 : 1 - 20.
Gaurav, Kumar, Ajay Kumar, and Ram Dayal. "Veco-taxis as a novel engineered algorithm for odor source localization." International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI) 11.2 (2020): 1-29.
Gaurav, Kumar, et al. "Exploring robot behavior in search of a chemical source." 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (ICoIAS). IEEE, 2018.
Gaurav, Kumar. "Implementation of Veco‐Taxis in Turbulent Environment for Gas Source Localization." Autonomous Vehicles Volume 2: Smart Vehicles (2022): 303-316.