Received Prof. Gordon McVie Best Presentation Prize in Cancer Communications and Psycho-oncology in an International Seminar organized by Tata Medical Center and University College London
Exam Coordinator for BA (Liberal Arts)
OBE Coordinator
Structured Meeting Coordinator
Website Coordinator
Class Coordinator (4th Semester)
Chaudhuri, T., Nandakumar, D., Datta, S. S., Husain, Z., Sukumaran, R. K., Yadav, I. S., ... & Panda, S. (2022). Information-sharing experiences of professionals looking after children with cancer: a qualitative exploration from a specialist paediatric oncology unit in India. ecancermedicalscience, 16.
Saha, S., Sengupta, S., Chaudhuri, T., Goswami, N. (2022). Discourses on Ageing. Rawat Publications, 260
Chaudhuri, T. Facebook and Teenage Emotions: A Sociological Perspective, IJRTS, 05(06)
Chaudhuri, T. Gender Role Ideologies among Bengali Women in Kolkata, IJRTS, 05(02)
Chaudhuri, T. Depression among Women: An Alarming Global Concern, IJRTS, 13(01)