Corporate Visit

FROM 16 Oct 2024 TO 16 Oct 2024

Venue : Bharat Potteries Limited, SP-2/124, RIICO Industrial Area, Kaladera, Mandha, Chomu, District- Jaipur, Rajasthan @ 10:00 AM

The students are taken on a guided tour of the facility. They are shown various production facilities of the plant. They got the chance to interact with managers and employees from various departments. They asked questions related to the challenges faced by the business, future trends in the industry, and career opportunities. One important aspect of the visit is understanding the work culture, team dynamics, and the ethical practices the company follows. Students observed employee interaction, time management, and how technology is integrated into operations. At the end of the industrial visit, the company distributed small souvenirs to the students as a token of appreciation for their visit. light refreshments are also provided for the students to relax and discuss their learning experiences with each other and with company representatives in an informal setting.

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